Saturday, November 8, 2008


Why do we purposely (though, perhaps subconsciously) make certain sounds when we trip—or am I the only one?  I'm well aware that we all look back or around, instinctively trying to locate what made us trip, since we can't bear to admit that it was just us. But today when I slipped on some wet leaves, I realized that I also make a sound when I trip. It's something like what I imagine a 50's housewife would utter upon discovering her husband in bed with another man—"oh, oh my." Very prim and contrived. Am I creating this faux falsetto to try and counteract the gangly spectacle? In actuality, I should be making a noise that more accurately mirrors the action of tripping—which for me, resembles a newborn giraffe being tossed onto a skating rink. I vow, from this day forward to provide a more honest, a more raw and guttural, oral representation when I slip, trip, or think a step is there when it isn't. 


Anonymous said...

miz me shell, i have found that it depends on tha distance i fall -- a street fall is one sound fer me "ack!", but a stair fall is a much different sound "aragggaaahahhaa ugh." especially when it's a whole flight. which was like tha time my too-long pants got caught under my high heel, and i went FLYING, complete with large concepts boards fer tha client presentation i was heading to. needless to say, the boards were smashed, jeans ripped at tha knees, and *gasp* -- tha worst part -- was that no one was there to enjoy the performance. *sigh* tis tha trials and tribulations of life.

James said...

i totally thought you were talking about a different type of tripping, which made this post a little stranger, and in a way much funnier

Kerry said...

I LOVE when people trip. It is one of my favorite things in the entire world. It's the part when people look around defensively that kills me.