Wednesday, May 13, 2009

For Liz

I'm a little rusty and nervous. If this were a stage I'd be pigeon-toed. So, as a warm-up, here's one of my favorite formats—the list!

In the past months, I've:

1. Visited NYC for the first time
2. Attended a prom at Princeton U.
3. Been to Kauai 
4. Scoffed at a cattery*
5. Seen a whale jumping
6. Wore a Blazer jersey as a dress
7. Been reunited twice with lost $20 bills 
8. Applied for a job as a veterinarian receptionist
9. Drank whiskey in the ocean
10. Had my heart mugged
11. Learned to get over it

* Cattery, while not a real word, is the undisputed name my family** uses to describe a confined outdoor "play" area for cats. Yes, they have built their own cattery, with a possible roof-edition to follow, pending the probability of feline escape tactics.

** By family, I mean everyone in my family except me. 

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